Ancestry UK

1881 Census: Residents of City of London Union Workhouse

Henry RAMSBOTTOMM46MHeadMaster Of Workhouse (Munic)Blackburn, Lancashire
Alice RAMSBOTTOMM44FWifeMatron (Munic)Blackburn, Lancashire
Florence May RAMSBOTTOMO10FDaughterScholarKnutsford, Cheshire
John WHELLANM44MPorterPorter (Munic)Scarbro, York
Emma WHELLANM40FWife Of PorterPortress (Munic)Norton, Somerset
Frederick MURREYW51MClerkClerk (Munic)London City Of, London, Middlesex
Violetta Rachel SPRINGETTW28FAsst MatronAsstant Matron (Munic)Rotherhithe, Surrey
Emma TAYLORW32FLaundressLaundress (Munic)Islington
Edward Thos. ROBERTSM48MLabour MasterLabour Master (Munic)Gainsborough, Lincoln
Ellen Elizabeth ROBERTSM44FWife Of Labour MasterNurse (Munic)St Marys, Nottingham
Amy Ellen ROBERTS  3FDaughter Of Labour MasterShoreditch Hackney
West LARDERU30MLabour MasterLabour Master (Munic)Spennymoor, Durham
Mary WRIGHTU67FNurseNurse (Munic)Shoreditch, Middlesex
William ABREYM62MGaswork LabourerGreat Beddow, Essex
Eliza ACKLANDU22FDomestic ServantLondon City Of Cripplegate, London, Middlesex
Henry ADAMSONU32MBricklayerCripplegate City
Bridget ALLENU60FCharwomanBristol
Henry ANDERSONU46MDock LabourerSt Micheals City
Harriet ANGELLW50FDomestic ServantLondon City Of St Alphege, London, Middlesex
Mary Ann ANGELLW74FDomestic ServantLondon City Of St Martins, London, Middlesex
Thomas ARCHERW71MSilver Plate WorkerIslington, Middlesex
Eliza ATKINSW45FOffice CleanerLondon City Of Blackfriars, London, Middlesex
George ATKINS  2MNurse (Inmate)London City Of Blackfriars, London, Middlesex
Joseph BAKERW68MConfectionerLondon Cripplegate, London, Middlesex
Matilda BALLM59FCharwomanHoniton, Devon
James BARKERW81MFarrierBromley, Essex
Rosetta BARTELLU64FDomestic ServantSt Sepulchre City
Harriet BASSELLW44FFur SewerClerkenwell
Thomas BATCHELORU68MMetal Gilder (Wkr)St Botolphs City
Henry BEALBYW71MBookbinderBeverly, York
William BELLEFIELDW72MMilkmanBethnal Green St Mathews
Samuel BERESFORDW69MFishmongerSt Brides City
Catherine BERRYU39FCharwomanBishopgate City
Margaret BESWICKU77FSeamstressLondon City Of, London, Middlesex
Albert BISHOPU46MGeneral Smith (Blk)Holborn St Andrews
Rose BLACKW67FSeamstressDublin St Katherines
Charlotte BLANDU73FBook FolderBlackfriars St Anne
Henry BLUMSUMM57MCabmanClapham, Surrey
James BONDU65MEuraclure JapannerCripplegate City
Martha BONEU63FCharwomanSurrey
Martha BONUSW70FCharwomanLondon St Olaves, London, Middlesex
Mary BOWLESW74FSeamstressEssex
Frederick BOWMANU60MBookbinderHolborn St Andrews
Jane BRADLEYU72FDomestic ServantNewbury, Berkshire
Mary BRIGHTW84FCharwomanGloucester
Charles BROOKESU32MGeneral LabourerUpper Thames Street City
John BROWNU46MGeneral LabourerBishopgate City
Mary BROWNM83FCharwomanCardigan, Wales
Mary Ann BROWNU31FLaundressNewcastle On Tyne, Northumberland
Thomas BROWNU65MGenr LabourerBethnal Green St Mathews
Thomas BRYANU73MBlacksmithRosemary Lane Aldgate
John BRYANTW81MTailorLondon Coleman St Wall, London, Middlesex
Thomas BURGESSU45MGenr LabourerSt Vedast City
Frederick BURGHU31MBakerAt Sea
William BURNETTU39MBricklayers LabourerHolborn St Andrews
Mary BURNSU44FCharwomanLondon St Sepulchre, London, Middlesex
John BURTU60MPotmanStrand All Round Ct
Emma BURTONU62FTailoressWhitechapel City
John BUSHELLU44MPorterLondon City Of, London, Middlesex
Daniel BYWAYW72MGeneral LabourerHertford, Hertford
John CALLAGHAMW77MHat BlockerMutton St Cripplegate
Eliza CAMPBELLM44FChair CanerLondon, Bermondsey
George CAMPBELLU63MWarehouse PorterSt George In The East
Alice CARSTAIRSW71FEdinburgh, Scotland
Catherine CASEYW70FChair CanerKilkenny, Ireland
Eliza CATHCART  2FWorkhouse Homerton
Harriet CATHCARTM33FBoot FitterLeicester
William CATHCART 1mMPotman (ND)Workhouse Homerton
Alfred CHAMPNESSU32MGent ClerkSt Lukes Old St
Ann CHARTERISW78FSeamstressTipperary, Ireland
Mary CHICKW79FCharwomanCripplegate City
James CHILDU70MPotman (ND)Westminster St Margts
John CLARKEW60MBricklayers LabourerBlackfriars City
Henry CLAYTONM57MSeamanQueenhithe St Michaels
Francis COCKRANEU45MEngine MakerAddle Hill Doctors Commons
John COHENW59MPatent Liquid ManufPlymouth, Devon
Thomas COLLINSW67FLeather Dresser (Currier)Worcester, Worcester
John CONNORW69MCarpenterKerry, Ireland
John CONOLLYM64MBricklayers LabourerGaloway, Ireland
George COOK 17MScholar
John COOLEYW67MBricklayerClaire County, Ireland
Joseph COOPERM51MWarehouse ManSt Bartholomews City
Elizabeth CORNERU76FDomestic ServantHackney, Middlesex
Mary COTTERW48FDomestic ServantSt Marys Alderney City
Mary COTTERU68FDomestic ServantLimerick, Ireland
Thomas COTTERM63MGeneral LabourerSkibbereen, Ireland
Johannah COYNEU23FDomestic ServantSmithfield City
William CRIBBW53MPainters LabourerSt Olaves City
Matilda CROCKETTW76FNeedlewomanAldgate City
William CROUCHW59MBarmanWinsham, Somerset
Ann CULLENU24FDomestic ServantStonehale, Ireland
Patrick CULLEN 6mMWorkhouse Homerton
Margaret CUMMINGSW72FCharwomanFermoy, Ireland
John CUNNINGHAMW65MCompositerStone Cutter St St Andrews (Holborn)
Mary DALEYW78FCharwomanLimmerick, Ireland
Honora DALTONU44FCharwomanFleet Str St Dunstons
James DALTONU44MGenl LabourerAldgate St Botolphs
Richard DANSLEYM74MSeaman (City)
John DARKEW66MShoemakerSt Andrews Holborn
Charlotte DARLINGW70FDomestic ServantBlackfriars City
Sarah Ann DAVISU65FDomestic ServantLondon Cavendish Sq , London, Middlesex
Sophia DAVISU64FFlag Maker (Worsted)Cambridge Rd Mile End
Mary DELLOWAYM56FDomestic ServantTipperary, Ireland
Caroline DENNYU60FMillinerSt Lukes Old St
Jane DICKENSONW65FCharwomanGarlick Hill City
Catherine DILLONU24FDomestic Servant
Valentine DISLEYW65MHosierHatton Garden St Andrews
John DONALSONW61MCabmanEdinburgh, Scotland
Ellen DONOVANW70FCharwomanBaudin Cork, Ireland
Margaret DONOVANW70FCharwomanKerry Castle Cary
Hugh DORKINW65MMessenger And PorterSt Marys Aldermonsbury City
William DRURYU29MLight PorterChatham, Kent
Wm. Henry DURNFORDW62MTailorSt Lukes Old Str
Esther DYERW76FCharwomanLower Wt X St Cripplegatee
Joseph EASONW69MFarm LabourerLong Wittenham, Berkshire
Daniel EDWARDSW78MTailorDunmow, Essex
Sarah EDWARDSW76FHawkerShoreditch
Mary EGANW73FSt James Picadilly
James Tho. ELLENW69MChandelier MakerSt Andrews Holborn
Jane ELLISW81FDomestic ServantLampiter, Cardigan, Wales
Mary ELMESU64FWolverton, Buckingham
Sarah EMERYW75FHousekeeperHolborn St Andrews
Abraham EVANSW72MDentists AssistantWorcester
James FAULKNERU56MGeneral PorterCity St Thomas
Sarah FAULKNERW83FNeedlewomanSt Lukes Old St
Robert FERGUSONU68MBakerPerth, Scotland
Sarah FIELDERU76FDomestic ServantBuckingham
Augusta FINDLAYU64FBonnet MakerSt Mary Abchurch
Christina FISHERU24FDomestic ServantLittle Somerset St Aldgate
Margaret FISHER 6mFMile End Infirmary
James FLACKW81MButchers LabourerFenchurch Street City
Albert FRANCIS 6mMUmbrella MakerWorkhouse Homerton
Mary Ann FRANCISU39FCharwomanWhitegate St Bishopgate
Mary Ann GARDENERW59FSeamstressSt Margarets Westminster
Alfred GARRETTW53MShoemakerTemple St Whitefriars
Agnes GIFFINM58FBoot MachinistSkinner Str Bishopgate
James GIFFINM63MBoot MakerSkinner Str Bishopgate
William Jas. GODFREYW76MPorterSt Alphage City
Emma GOODMANM50FNeedlewomanCambridge, Cambridge
William GOODMANM66MPainters LabourerColeman Str St Stephens City
George GOTTSW68MWriter And GrainerReepham, Norfolk
John GOVIERM64MBootmakerChittlehampton, Devon
Elizabeth GRAHAMU25FLaundressMinster, Kent
Ann GREENFIELDW64MCook (Dom)St George Southwark
Clara GRIFFITHSW53FCharwomanFleet St St Brides
Eliza GRIFFITHSW56FCharwomanBishopgate City
Mary GRIMSTONEW60FCharwomanPeter St Clerkenwell
Thomas GROVERU48MPainters LabourerSt Dunstans City
James GUYU22MSt Botolph Bishopgate
Sarah HAINESW64FShoemakerSt Alphage City
Robert HALLW82MShoemakerSt Botolphs Bishopgate
Edward HAMMONDM29MBricklayers LabourerCripplegate City
Mary HAMMONDW80FCharwomanSomerset
Henry HARDWICKU69MLight PorterAllhallows City
Henry HARPERU56MFrench PolisherSt Botolphs Bishopgate
Catherine HARRINGTONU35FDomestic ServantKerry, Ireland
Arthur HARRISONW74MEngraverCripplegate City
Sarah HASDELLU32FDomestic Servant
Ann HAWKINSW79FCharwomanTyefoot Lane Thames St
Catherine HAYESW58FNeedlewomanLudgate Hill City
Catherine HAYNESU53FTailoressSt Marys Strand
Caroline HAYWARDW61FBookfolderVilliers St Strand
Elizabeth HEADW77FAldgate City
Jane HEATHERU46FDress Maker
Robert HENDRYU31MTailorEdward St Bethnal Green
Patrick HENNESSYU50MTailorLimerick, Ireland
Daniel HERBERTM64MPorterDean, Oxford
Elizabeth HILLU59FDomestic ServantSt Andrews Holborn
John HILLIERM62MBox MakerWest Str St Sepulchre
Sarah HODGESW76FDomestic ServantProvidence Square Petticoat Lane
William HODGSONM64MComb MakerSt Botolph Aldgate
Mary Ann HOGANW68FDomestic ServantSt Annes & Agnes City
Thomas HOGANM64MTailorTipperary, Ireland
Charles HOLDSWORTHM70MBookbinderLondon Stepney , London, Middlesex
William HOLMESU42MCarmanLondon Shoreditch , London, Middlesex
William HOPEU54MShoemakerSt George In The East
Charles HORNERU22MBricklayers LabourerCripplegate City
Emma HOWESU18FDomestic Servant
Mary Ann HOWESU58FPaper Box MakerBishopsgate City
Henry HUDSONU70MBrewerHolland St Blackfriars
Sarah HUGHESU27FHawkerCripplegate City
Cecilia HULLU46FDomestic ServantAldergate St City
John HULLM89MTin Plate WorkerShaftesbury, Dorset
James HUMPHRIESW76MPork ButcherSt Brides City
Susan HUMPHRIESW66FShoebinderSt Lukes Old St
Sarah HUNTU44FDress MakerCripplegate City
John HUVVERBACKM56MBakerBishopgate City
Elizabeth JACKSONW70FCharwomanSt Brides City
James JAMESW74MCarpenterBishopgate City
Mary JAMESW69FCharwomanCardigan, Wales
Sarah JAMESU35FCharwomanLondon Highgate , London, Middlesex
Robert JONESW82MExcavatorChancery Lane
Sarah JONESU65FCookLondon Oxford St , London, Middlesex
Thomas JONESW74MPorterFish St Hill City
Ann KEFFORDW82FCharwomanBalsham, Cambridge
Margaret KENNEDYW66FNurseLiverpool
Thomas KEOUGHW61MShoemakerNewport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire
Ellen KNOWLESM23FShirt IronerMasons Court Shoreditch
John KNOWLES 6mMMasons Court Shoreditch
Mary Ann KNOWLES  3FMasons Court Shoreditch
Eliza LANCASTERM46FDomestic ServantLondonderry, Ireland
Eliza LANCASTER  2FWorkhouse Homerton
Henry LANCASTERM66MCoachmanBlackheath, Kent
John LASTW73MCoachmanIpswich, Suffolk
Sarah LATHBURYW70FDomestic ServantColeman St City
Agnes LAWRENCEM28FStewardessLiverpool Nova Scotia
John LAWRENCEW67MCoachman (Dom)Farringdon, Berkshire
Ellen LEONARDU68FDomestic ServantCork, Ireland
James LEONARDW51MBuilders LabourerEnfield (Mx Ex)
Mary LEONARDW69FCharwomanBalloughbrigen, Ireland
John LEPINEU51MCarmanBishopgate City
Charles LEWISW50MCoal PorterColman St City
Mary LIDDOWU68FBook FolderKensington, Surrey
Joseph Parks LILLYM49MWarehousemanHanbury, Worcester
Louisa LINGFORDU70FDomestic ServantBishopgate City
Harriet LISKW70FCharwomanSt Georges Southwark
Amelia LLOYDU76FDomestic ServantSt Georges Southwark
Jane LOCKW56FNurse (SMS)Perth, Scotland
Catherine LOOMEYU47FCharwomanCork, Ireland
Frederick LOWERSU30MType FounderLudgate Hill St Martins
John LUPTONW67MMantle CutterWhitehaven, Cumberland
Richard LYSAGHTU60MComm TravellerBallinasloe, Ireland
Daniel MAHONEYU45MBricklayers LabourerShoe Lane City
Walter MAIZEYU38MGrocers AssistantWestbury, Wiltshire
Catherine MANNINGW72FHawkerTipperary, Ireland
Mary Ann MARRIATTW73FCharwomanPortsmouth, Hampshire
William MARSHU61MPorterLondon Southwark , London, Middlesex
Elizabeth MASSINGHAMU70FDomestic ServantSmithfield City
William MASTERSU56MPrinterCrown Court Fleet St
Eliza MATTHEWSU28FCharwomanBishopgate City
Eliza MATTHEWS  2FBishopgate City
Maria MATTHEWSM48FDomestic ServantHyslackton, Norfolk
William MATTHEWSM48MGeneral LabourerSt James Garlic Hill City
William MATTINGLEYW63MStablemanTylehurst, Berkshire
Ann MC CANNW75FTailoressDublin, Ireland
James MC CARTHEYW64MHawkerBishopgate City
Margaret MC DONALDW76FCharwomanCarlow Co, Ireland
Jane MC GAVINU35FFlowerseller (Coster)St Andrews Holborn
Murdock MC LENNANU50MWarehousemanSt Botolphs Aldergate St
James 2 MCCARTHYW47MSoap MakerCripplegate City
Roger MCCULLOCKW70MShoemakerFelter Lane Holborn
Christina MCMULLENM72FCarpenterEdinburgh, Scotland
Ann MCNALLYU59FDomestic ServantSt Botolph Aldergate St
Mary MEADESU67FDomestic ServantAldgate City
John MELCESU21MTailor (BS), Poland
Elizabeth MILLERW45FCharwomanGreenwich, Kent
Robert MILLERU60MGeneral LabourerCripplegate City
David MINNIEW67FWool Labourer (Manuf)Bishopgate City
Mary MINTONW70FTailoressSt Annes St Martins Le Grand
James MITCHELLM77MPlastererLondon Marylebone , London, Middlesex
Vincent MOONU22MLooking Glass MakerHolborn St Andrews
George MORFFEWU59MLaw ClerkKingston On Thames, Surrey
Ann E. MORGANW66FHawkerSt Dunstans Hill Thames St
John MORGANM29MFrench PolisherSt Brides City
Thomas MORGANW72MPorterEanesford, Kent
Mary Ann MORRISONM65FCharwomanFelter Lane Holborn
John MOSSU55MMusicianWaltham Abbey, Essex
Emma MOYESM24FShirt MachinistFernand St Camden Town
Rose MOYES 4mFGreystoke Place Fetter Lane
James MUSTW76MCoal Labourer (ND)Sudbury, Suffolk
Patrick NEALU45MBakerGraigue Kilkenny Co
Elizabeth NELSONM52FNeedlewomanNewby, York
Sarah NEWBYU33FDomestic ServantSt Botolph Aldgate
Ann NEWMANM74FTrimmings MakerBrook St Holborn
James NEWMANM73MCarmanGosforth, Hampshire
Maria NOAKESU40FSeamstress (City)
Ann NOBLEU29FDomestic ServantColeman St City
James NOBLE 1mMWorkhouse Homerton
Caroline OXLADEW75FLimehouse
Ruth PANTONW77FNurseSheerness, Kent
Thomas PEARCEU39MFarm LabourerLondon Mile End , London, Middlesex
Edward PENDLETONU67MCarriage Fringe Maker (Trimming)St Botolph Aldergate
Kate PERRYM28FCharwomanGrey St Blackfriars Road
William PERRYW69MTailorBishopgate City
John PETTYU57MPoultererLondon Bethnal Green , London, Middlesex
Emma PHEASANTW51FDomestic ServantFish St Hill Thames St
Thomas PICKARDW77MShopmanExeter, Devon
Selina H. PILEW57FPaper Box MakerCripplegate City
Thomas PITTSW73MShoemakerNewry Down County
Emily PONTING 3mFBartholomew Close City
Mary A. PONTINGU26FDomestic ServantDublin, Ireland
George PRICEW56MGeneral LabourerAldgate
Mary PRICEU56FCharwomanFetter Lane Holborn
Elizabeth PRINCEW77FWillow WeaverBath, Somerset
Ann REEDW65FOffice CleanerSt Martins In The Field (Strand)
Mary RICHARDSW54FLaundressCripplegate City
Charles RICHARDSONU34MGeneral LabourerCripplegate City
Charlotte RILEYU83FYork, York
Margaret RILEYU28FDomestic ServantCork, Ireland
Margaret ROBERTSU62FDomestic ServantBlackfriars Road
Edward ROSEU67MBricklayers LabourerSt Margarets Westminster
Ruth ROUTU35FBook FolderChristchurch City
Charles ROWLANDW75MHatterAldgate City
Edward RUSSELLU54MGeneral LabourerBishopgate City
Lydia SADLOWU18FDomestic Servant
Pierre A. F. SAINTONU19MTailorMauritius, South Africa
Edward SALISBURYU44MLabourerAllhallows City
Nathaniel SALTHOUSEU66MDock LabourerLondon Shoreditch , London, Middlesex
Agnes SAVORY 4mFWorkhouse Homerton
Ellen SAVORYU33FDomestic ServantFarringdon St St Brides
Rebecca SEEKINGSU65FCharwomanSt Andrews Holborn
Martha SELMANW39FLaundressOld Ford Victoria Park
Ellen SEVERNU55FDomestic ServantBishopgate City
Martha E. SHARPW69FSeamstressSt Margaret Westminster
Thomas SHARPM63MPorterSt Marys Whitechapel
Joseph SHAWU32MShips CarpenterDelaware (F), United States
Rebecca SHEAU70FDomestic ServantCork, Ireland
Mary SHEFFIEREW74FSeamstressArthboy Meath Co, Ireland
Emma SHEPPARDU20FNeedlewoman
Henry Wm. SHEPPARDU20MPotmanHarp Alley St Brides
Elizabeth SHERGOLDU26FDomestic ServantLondon City, London, Middlesex
Jane SILLSW69FDomestic Servant (BS), Denmark
Elizabeth SIMMONSU73FSeamstressBushills, Middlesex
Julia SLATERW72FDomestic ServantCahir Tipperary Co
Charles SMITHW59MMan ServantLondon Hoxton Middlesex
Elspeth SMITHW73FDomestic ServantGlenliven, Banff, Scotland
Emily SMITHU29FCharwomanCloth Fair St Bartholomew
John R. SMITHU34MGeneral LabourerSt Sepulchre City
Frederick SPARKALLU60MPrinterSt Ives, Huntingdon
Thomas SPENCEU65MManservantSt Pancras, Middlesex
Richard SPENCERU24MGiltspur Str St Sepulchre
Amelia STAPLESW64FDomes ServantBell Yard Fleet St
Henry STAPLESM69MGeneral LabourerMitcham, Surrey
Mary STAPLETONW79FCharwomanCripplegate City
Ann STEANW62FDomestic ServantWesthampstead, Devon
Ann STEVENSONW73FLaundress (City)
Rebecca STOCKLEYU60MDomestic ServantSt Martins City
Thomas SULLIVAN 10MSchFlower & Dean St Spitalfield
Mary SURMANM41FNursery Governess (Dom)Bishopgate City
Susannah TARRANTU75FShopkeeperSt Sepulchre City
Elizabeth TAYLORW77FDomestic ServantLondon Philip Lane Walls, London, Middlesex
James TAYLORW66MMusicianSt Nicholas City
John TAYLORW37MGeneral LabourerColman Str City
Emma THOMASU55FCookLondon Hamstead, London, Middlesex
John THOMASU47MCook And StewardBrooklyn Long Island (F), United States
Henry THOMPSONU23MAldergate Str City
William THORNTONW61MShoemakerLouth Co, Ireland
Harriet TORRINGTONU21FMantle MakerBridgewater Place Barbican
Jane TOWNSENDW83FDomestic ServantPoplar
Elizabeth TRUSTEEM74FNurseUlstead, Essex
George TRUSTEEM70MLabourerAldgate
Mary TRUSTEEM31FDomestic ServantLondon Minories, London, Middlesex
Thomas TRUSTEE 10mMWorkhouse Homerton
Mary TUFFLEYW74FDomestic ServantRamsgate, Kent
William TURNERU32MDock LabourerSt Sepulchres City
James TYLERU40MGeneral LabourerBishopgate City
Clara VALEU25FDomestic ServantDuke Str Aldgate
William VIARYW50MGas Meter TesterSt Annes Blackfriars
William VIDLERW61MPlastererCaterham, Surrey
Jane WAILLINGW65FLaundressShoreditch
Joseph WALDENM45MPainter (House)Little Trinity Lane Queenhithe
Mary WALDEN 48FInmateCollar StarcherLoughrea Galoway
Mary WALKU78MDomestic ServantSt Lukes Old Str
Joseph WALKERU43MPorterBishopgate City
Louisa WALKERU30FDomestic ServantBunhill Row Old Str
Ann WALLACEW69FSeamstressLondon Hackney , London, Middlesex
Harry WALLERU65MGeneral LabourerSt Bartholomews City
Augusta WALTERM57FHousekeeperAlverstone Derry
Joseph WALTERM61MCook (Not Dom)St Georges In The East
Thomas WANSBOROUGHU65MCoppersmithCairo (BS), Egypt
John WARDU69MBookbinderLondon City, London, Middlesex
Margaret WARDW66FDomestic ServantPerth, Scotland
Eliza WATKINSM47FPaper Box MakerDublin, Ireland
Catherine WATSONU50FFlower MakerCripplegate City
William WATSONU51MGeneral LabourerWhitefriar Str City
William WATTSW72MBookbinderWindsor Str Bishopgate
James WEBBW62MInmateWhite SmithLondon St George The Martr , London, Middlesex
Henry WELCHU22MBakerLondon Marylebone , London, Middlesex
Mary WHITEU80FSeamstressHuntingdon
Mary WHITEU66FDomestic ServantLondon City, London, Middlesex
Elizabeth WILBRAHAMW73FDomestic ServantLondon Stepney , London, Middlesex
Sarah WILCOXONW68FSeamstressBrighton, Sussex
Stephen WILLIAMSW67MOffice PorterSt Botolphs Bishopgate
Alfred WILLIAMSONU51MBrush MakerBishopgate City
Ann WILLMOREM73FDomestic ServantLondon Brompton , London, Middlesex
Ann WILTCHERM41FCharwomanBrewers Green Westminster
Robert WILTCHERM40MPainterWhitchurch, Hampshire
Elizabeth WINTER  2F
Henry WINTERU33MGeneral LabourerSt Anns Blackfriars
Charles WRAGGEW74MWhip MakerAshstead, Surrey

Total residents: 383

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