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Long-term Workhouse Inmates in Skipton Union, West Riding of Yorkshire, 1861

In 1861, the Poor Law Board published a return of the name every adult pauper who had been a workhouse inmate for a continuous period of five years or more, together with the duration of their residence (in years and months), the reason for it, and whether they had been brought up in a District or separate Workhouse School. It was noted that the term 'District School' had been widely misinterpreted by respondents as meaning any school in the local area, such as a national or private school, and that there was only one instance in the whole report of an inmate actually having been in such a school.

William Light102Imbeciledist. school.
William Dainbrook55dittodist. school.
Thomas West64Lameno.
William West67lmbecileno.
James Brigg73Lamedist. school.
James Allinson74Old age and infirmitiesdist. school.
Thomas Pickles79dittodist. school.
Joseph Hannam92dittodist. school.
Robert Tatham109dittono.
Thomas Ingham220Imbeciledist. school.
John Hanson190Afflicted with epileptic fitsdist. school.
John Hartley200Afflicted with scrofulanational school.
Nancy Moon66Old agedist. school.
Dorothy Coates220Imbeciledist. school.
Mary Calvert140Lamedist. school.
Margaret Grey190Imbeciledist. school.
Ruth Wilkinson86Deaf and dumbdist. school.

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